a random picture i took when i was walking back to the car with my family...
oh guess what i have decided to try and put a picture of clouds in every of my post:) i wanted to put stars too but found out that when i take a picture of the sky at night nothing will be able to be seen...
look at this car don't you think it is safe???
and look at this car the owner obviously wants someone to come and steal his car... he left the door so wide open so like anyone can just go in and drive the car off and nobody will even think that he's/ she's a thief... so it's like broad daylight robbery just that no one knows that anyone's being robbed...
WEEEEEEES!!! today's a thursday which means it is 4 more days to my birthday:) YAY!!! how cool is that right:) haha can't wait:) oh anyways today's national day and my cousins are now at my house:) i know i should be accompanying them but i'm going to do that right after i post this:) anyways they are watching the parade on tv hmmmmm maybe i'll take the fireworks photo from the tv and post it tmr:) haha well HAPPY 42nd BIRTHDAY SINGAPOR!!! so good everybody give singapore birthday present... must give me my birthday present okay singapore hehe okay i know that was stupid:) haha
well if my cousins are at my house their parents should also be here right so guess what the parents are playing mj:) haha oh you know today my family saved a lot of money:) because we woke up damned late and ate at 5 plus so we're like eating breakfast lunch and dinne:) haha but i couldn't eat because i felt like vomiting so when i looked at the food i didn't want to eat when i put the food on the spoon, i didn't want to eat when i put it in my mouth, i want to eat after i swallow the food i don't want to eat... but i still ended yup eating two-third of the food:) so good right:) haha
well i don't really have anything to say really...
oh in my last pst did i tell you that k.t and jeanette came to my house??? well yup and they stayed all the way till 9.30 and k.t was supposed to go home at 6.30 but because she wait for jeanette's dad to fetch so she when home late but her mom allowed and why my dad didn't fetch them because he not free... haha but i'm not saying it's my dad's fault but i sound as if i'm saying it's his fault but i'm also not saying that jeanette's dad should fetch them... okay forget it shouldn't have typed that in the first place...
okays well i guess i should go now:) look out for the next rebie post:)
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