i shall start with erm about 2 weeks ago tea appretiation:)
these are the clouds that i took on way there... it is some where around Chinatown point..
the two pictures of the bamboo is the decorations inside the place of the tea apretiation which is of course inside a tea house (i think)...
the tea cups and the brown thing is the tea pot...
the 90 degrees water used to boil the tea...
the 'plates' for the tea cups to be placed on
the tea in the tea cup on the right will be poured into the one on the left... then we'll do this:
we do that so that the aroma of the tea will be sweeter (according to them...)
the snacks we had were tea leave eggs if i'm not wrong and mooncakes which i had been craving for, for a very long time:)
my friend wasn't able to peel the shell of properly and this is what happened to her egg hehe :P and at there we learned about the history about tea leaves and how tea leaves came about and then someone else came in and had this slide show about the mooncake festival and the story related to mooncake festival and then two students made mooncakes i mean not really make everything was already there all they had to do was place the red bean paste into the mooncake paste and then make it into a ball then inside something and then push it out and viola a moonckae:)
and now we shall jump 2 weeks ahead to friday last day of school:) erm... this scene is taken while we were sitting down (wow look at that neat 2 lines class beside:) ) and the principle provided bananas for us to eat because it was healthy.............. and then it reminded my friends about the camp fire song: 1 banana 2 banana 3 banana 4, 5 banana 6 banana many many more... so after we ate we stood up and walked towards the hall and then we walked on the road in my school and me and my friends were skipping/jumping to the song because at that time we were very high and then i totally forgot about my muscle ache from training and then i jumpped/skipped on my right side and then my right feet twisted and i fell which caused this... :
and luckily i didn't twist my ankle:) but the centre of my feet twisted so it became swollen and my ankle also a little bit swollen... this is the photo of the new fresh red cut... (ewwww my knees looks dislocated just realized that but it is not...)
and this is the next day's (today's) result from yesterday's fall...
the close up version/view:) :P oh and i hope i will be better before training and YES!!! there's training the next whole week but that partly because i'm also going for boys... but YES!!! there's training:)
Oh and HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!!!! :) although i don't think any teachers are reading it but still HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY:) !!!! hehe and now i'm going to sign off:)
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