wanted to wait till today then blog cause it's april fools :D
haha that's kinda an excuse for my lazyness :S hehe
anyways :D
thirty-nine-th day:
had training cant really remember the details :S.........
oh i went for my cousin's wedding :D!!!!!! issac is super cute:D!!!!!!!!!!
and so is his bro :D shall update photo later :)
fourty-th day:
went for tuition
suddenly like/ love tuition alot cause teacher is super fun and cute :D!!!!!!!!
my friends came and we played with WII again:D
WII= the game machine thingy :)
played mahjong and me and my friend left with only like 2 chips
so we were in cahoots and i almost won until someone PONG-ed
and we lost the next round :(!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yesterday had training and math trial :)
math trail was kinda crazy i guess and we were like doing stupid stuffs i guess :D
er then went for training was okay :)
and i suddenly felt like i needed to go for an angermenagement course :S :D
although we didn't get into top 8 :(
had P.E today and played soccer got super high cause i made it fun
which made me make myself high :O cool right make myself high :D
er i tried to return the back kick my when my friend back kicked the ball to me and i missed
and the ball just rolled pass me and i couldn't stop laughing and i was like making a fool of myself but i didn't care :D
APRIL FOOLS = APRIL'S FOOL= APRIL IS A FOOL :D (that was just smth very ranndom :D )
oh and HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY once again cause actually we got into top eight :D!!!!!!!! shall talk about the match :) :
wx's opponent ran-ed right into the net and the shuttle didn't even cross the net and the empire gave the point to the oppo.....
WTH RIGHT!!!!! but wx still got the point in the end :) the empire is blind..........
we= wx, wy & i got high shouting assumtions at each other :D
played zong zhi mi mah and coach joined us :)
i'll tell the story as you see the pics :)
coach and wy have godlike telepathy you'll now why later :)
wy and wx has godlike telepathy
i have godlike telepathy with wy
i also have godlike telepathy with wx :D!!!!!!
that's the damned nice cherry chessecake lolliopop going from big to small :D :)
that's us snacking while someone played with WII game :)
that's her playing WII :D
that's our 2 chips left :)
look at the girl in the drawing in the center look like the real life one right :D
that's my super cute friend :D using the fan in chi class cause it was super hot :D......
super ugly drawing done by me :)...........
i'm so proud of my sotong that i drew :D
the zong zi mi mah punishment
left over from zong zi mi mah
wing was the first to start on the first game and she zong-ed the number on the first try and coach was the one who choose the number thus wing and coach have godlike telepathy :D
and wing choose the number and coach zong-ed but not on first try but!!!! he still zong-ed it :D!!!!!
next was me look at the tao-ghey sticking out :D
next was weilin
and then tn
then it was coach again then jaini
and now we're done :)
ta-ta :D
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